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Perché Facebook è una minaccia alla società libera

Lo so, il titolo può sembrare eccessivo, ma il post che argomenta a favore di questa tesi è ben articolato e convincente.

Dovrebbe almeno farti riflettere sul tempo che dedichi e sui dati che condividi su Facebook.

Condivido alcuni passaggi, ma tutto il post è da leggere attentamente.

Gli argomenti:

  • Facebook engages in comprehensive and growing data collection on its billions of users

  • This data allows for exponentially greater manipulation of human beings and their realities than ever seen before

  • Facebook is building towards human simulation and ownership

  • Extrapolating trends, Facebook will create unprecedented centralization of power and influence in the hands of an individual

  • Without a change of course, we are enabling a structural threat to free society, and potentially worse

Un esempio di come avviene la manipolazione dell’utente, di te:

Take a hypothetical Facebook user, Jimmy. Jimmy tends to scroll Facebook on his phone for 5 minutes, then close the app. Facebook knows that Jimmy likes posts from his friend Steve, because he tends to leave positive comments on them. Next time Jimmy reaches the 5-minute mark, Facebook shows him a post from Steve. Jimmy leaves a comment, scrolls for a bit longer, then quits the app at the 8-minute mark. Facebook also knows that Jimmy is crushing on Jenny – he tends to linger whenever she shows up on his Instagram feed, even if he doesn’t like or comment. Next time Jimmy’s at the 8-minute mark, Facebook shows him a post from Jenny. This pattern continues, and Jimmy’s Facebook use grows from 5 minutes a day to 15.

Facebook Research has learned, hypothetically, that you can only keep people in the Machine Zone with positive content for so long. So the algorithm starts to use negative content too, now and then. Jimmy hates Chad, and Facebook knows this because Jimmy says so in his Messenger conversations. So nowadays, when Jimmy reaches the 15-minute mark, Facebook will show him a picture of Chad doing something fun. The rage drives Jimmy to keep scrolling until he gets that dopamine hit from a Steve or Jenny post.

Now Facebook is growing Jimmy’s time spent every day, and their ad dollars grow with it. All through manipulation of Jimmy’s psyche.

Per questa e altre ragioni ho scelto di non alimentare la macchina. Non pubblico contenuti personali che stimolano gli amici a stare più connessi. Non leggo contenuti altrui, perché non voglio né commentare, né aggiungere reazioni che alimentano la macchina. Non voglio che i dati che Facebook ha sul sottoscritto crescano ulteriormente. In definitiva, non voglio farmi manipolare e non voglio contribuire a questo processo. No, grazie.

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Is Facebook A Structural Threat To Free Society?

Published in Media & Social media