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Forse la felicità…

MAYBE HAPPINESS IS not about us, as individuals. Maybe it is not something that arrives into us. Maybe happiness is felt heading out, not in. Maybe happiness is not about what we deserve because we’re worth it. Maybe happiness is not about what we can get. Maybe happiness is about what we already have. Maybe happiness is about what we can give. Maybe happiness is not a butterfly we can catch with a net. Maybe there is no certain way to be happy. Maybe there are only maybes. If (as Emily Dickinson said) ‘Forever –is composed of Nows –’, maybe the nows are made of maybes. Maybe the point of life is to give up certainty and to embrace life’s beautiful uncertainty.

Da Notes on a nervous planet di Matt Haig, tradotto in italiano da E/O Edizioni.

Published in Vivi meglio

One Comment

  1. Diciamo che condivido la conclusione … Vivere è un po’ arrabattarsi su questa giostra di emozioni ed avvenimenti al meglio che si può.

    I cambiamenti ci saranno, saranno continui ed improvvisi … e quindi chi vuole una vita monotona avrà grandi delusioni.

    Pensavo. Forse la vita è sentire “il momento”, viverlo appieno e non immergersi nella propria percezione idealizzata di quel che sta accadendo.

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