Da popurls.com sono finito su una ricerca di Danah Boyd sui social network e da lì ho scoperto una rivista accademica che indaga questi fenomeni: Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication’s.
Prendendo soltanto gli ultimi due numeri, con due speciali su blog e social network, ho trovato:
– The Rules of Beeping: Exchanging Messages Via Intentional ‘Missed Calls’ on Mobile Phones
– IM=Interruption Management? Instant Messaging and Disruption in the Workplace
– Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship
– Email Flaming Behaviors and Organizational Conflict
– Signals in Social Supernets
– The Benefits of Facebook ‘Friends:’ Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites
– Gender Differences in British Blogging
– Blogging Practices: An Analytical Framework