You see where I’m going with this. Let’s be generous and say the company paid $360 for each scooter, as Bird aims to. At the rates calculated above, that company only recoups $65 to $75 on the cost of each scooter—in other words, it loses $295 to $285 per scooter. That doesn’t even include the $50 annual fee per dockless vehicle, the $3,000 in combined licensing fees, or the $100 fee for each designated parking area. Plug in the $551 sticker price for a scooter, and the losses are even greater.
Da un’altra newsletter a cui mi sono subito abbonato, Oversharing, una valutazione molto molto interessante sui numeri dietro il business del noleggio degli scooter elettrici, Bird e Lime, che stanno arrivando anche in Italia.
Il modello di business sembra avere dei problemi seri…