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Tag: capitalismo

Sheryl Sandberg, l’untrice del capitalismo della sorveglianza

Surveillance capitalism is no more limited to advertising than mass production was limited to the fabrication of the Ford Model T. It quickly became the default model for capital accumulation in Silicon Valley, embraced by nearly every startup and app. And it was a Google executive – Sheryl Sandberg – who played the role of Typhoid Mary, bringing surveillance capitalism from Google to Facebook, when she signed on as Mark Zuckerberg’s number two in 2008.

Nuova intervista a Shoshana Zuboff per ricordarmi che devo assolutamente far avanzare in priorità il suo tomo sul capitalismo della sorveglianza, quanto di più attuale.

via Sentiers media, newsletter altamente raccomandata… Continua a leggere

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