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Tag: Relazioni personali

Il paradosso delle relazioni personali sui social network

Semplice spiegazione del perché il valore della persona finisce per cadere in secondo piano, nelle relazioni personali mediate dai social network.

When you comment on a post, you’re interacting with their post and not relating to the person who posted. They certainly aren’t simultaneously relating to you. This simple truth is the root of much of the animosity online.

We thought that the internet would lead to a pure exchange of ideas. We didn’t consider that when you remove people from that exchange you’re losing the humanity inherent in a healthy exchange of ideas.

Additionally, the underlying design of social networks today — the follow count, likes, and all the metrics that measure how successful you are at social media — these metrics quantify interactions in a way that subverts and attempts to reverse the I-Thou, but perverts it instead. a leggere

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