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Categoria: Esperienze

Consumo di carne e cambiamenti climatici

L’Economist è una delle mie fonti di informazione preferite. Ha un approccio globale ai problemi e guarda ai numeri, prima di dare giudizi. Nell’ultimo numero si parla del consumo di carne a livello globale e delle conseguenze, positive e negative, per gli anni a venire.

I numeri innanzitutto sono impressionati. Qualche dato preso qua e là:

Between 1961 and 2013 the average Chinese person went from eating 4kg of meat a year to 62kg. Half of the world’s pork is eaten in the country.

In the decade to 2017 global meat consumption rose by an average of 1.9% a year and fresh dairy consumption by 2.1%—both about twice as fast as population growth. Almost four-fifths of all agricultural land is dedicated to feeding livestock, if you count not just pasture but also cropland used to grow animal feed. Humans have bred so many animals for food that Earth’s mammalian

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