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Categoria: Formazione permanente

formazione permanente

L’apprendimento continuo è un tema caldo. L’Economist a inizio 2017 pubblica uno special report sull’argomento. Negli articoli che seguono trovi spunti su questo tema, con consigli di carattere formativo con corsi online, articoli, guide e altre risorse utili.

L’arte come porta sul mondo

“Walk back and forth in front of Adele. Her eyes follow you. That’s the magic here.” Kandel was referring to our visual systems converting Klimt’s two-dimensional image into a three-dimensional portrait in our minds. But I felt he was talking about much more. Adele was looking into us from Klimt’s private studio, her eyes evoking an endless sorrow. It was a deeply personal experience that felt like a universal one. Art, the scientist showed me, was our portal into the world.

Lunghissima e godibilissima analisi di uno dei più bei quadri che io abbia mai visto, Woman in gold. a leggere