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91 search results for "dieta"

Dieta e stile di vita

The limitations of our busy lives. It might be possible to eat in a more balanced way, if only we didn’t have to work, or go to school, or save money, or travel by car, bus or train, or shop at a supermarket, or live in a city, or share a meal with children, or look at a screen, or get up early, or stay up late, or walk past a vending machine, or feel depressed, or be on medication, or have a food intolerance, or own an imperfectly stocked fridge. Who knows what wonders we might then eat for breakfast?

The way we eat now

C’è sempre una scusa per giustificare l’incoerenza dei comportamenti, soprattutto verso se stessi (autoinganno). Mangiare in modo bilanciato? Vorrei, ma, ma, ma. Ho vissuto mesi con una persona, cercando di smontare scuse di questo genere, facendo capire che l’incoerenza sarà anche umana e diffusa, … Continua a leggere

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