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L’innovazione nell’editoria in Europa

L’AIE ha condiviso una ricerca europea in cui gli editori interpellati danno una visione della loro transizione verso il digitale: cosa serve per innovare, ostacoli e risultati raggiunti. Ho caricato la ricerca originale su Slideshare.

These are some of the main results of the qualitative survey, which was conducted among European book publishers by the EU-funded network Technology and Innovation for Smart Publishing (TISP), in cooperation with the Frankfurt Book Fair. Over 1,000 publishers were contacted; 360 reacted with interest, and 120 publishers from across Europe submitted a detailed response to the questionnaire.

Interessante questo passaggio, dove si evince come la distribuzione* sia considerata un elemento chiave:

The leading response to the question of where the R&D needs were greatest was “digital distribution”. On the basis of a list proposed by TISP experts, the respondents were asked to

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