Divertente parallelismo tra Truman show e il nostro uso del social web:
In real life, here in 2018, we are all the stars of our own personalized, algorithmic Truman Shows. Facebook titillates us with finely tuned updates. Google answers every conceivable question. Apple swaddles us in their impeccably-designed walled garden. Amazon anticipates our every whim. Netflix keeps us happily entertained. Uber and Lyft whisk us between Airbnbs with unparalleled efficiency and precision.
Da sottolineare come il web, anche se prima della sofisticazione attuale degli algoritmi (la ricerca è del 2010), sia meno partigiano di quello che è il nostro ambiente sociale offline di tutti i giorni,
… Continua a leggere 2 CommentsHas technology trapped us between utility and manipulation? Is this a new kind of 21st century purgatory? As we emerge from our digital domes and blink in the too-bright sunlight, we might begin to notice something odd. Our physical lives are actually more