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Tag: romanticismo

Contro l’amore e il romanticismo

Love, Inc. è un libro che va controcorrente, almeno per l’argomento principe che lo contraddistingue. Il romanticismo (e l’amore)non sarebbe altro che una fuga, una soluzione privata a problemi che dovrebbero essere risolti in altro modo. Punto di vista certamente originale e interessante. Copertina adorabile.

That is the argument of this book: that the worse things get, the more we turn to romance to feel hopeful about the future. It is not that capitalism causes romance, but rather that romance is both the most pleasurable and the most future-oriented escape from the grimness of globalized capitalism. Americans turn to a number of belief systems for sustenance: religion, nationalism, football. And some of these, like religion, even promise a better future in the afterlife. Yet romance promises us a better future in this life, with the added bonus of an enchantment of the everyday as we hunt for our prince

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