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Tag: scienza

Perché un giovane giornalista dovrebbe avere un blog

Ed Yong, giornalista scientifico, riassume in poche righe il perché è un vantaggio avere un blog per un giovane giornalista (e vale anche per gli altri).  La risposta non è per avere un guadagno diretto ma:

There are two reasons. Firstly, it’s a labour of love. I’m trying to make this blog the equal of any news reporting you would find in the mainstream media. Secondly, this blog has a value that goes far beyond the actual currency I earn from it. I now have an expansive portfolio of work for people to see, a growing community of readers, increasing attention from mainstream media, and plenty of offers to do cool things. I’m not convinced that any of these benefits would have come about if I had tried to enter the world of science writing through traditional routes, at least not within a brief three year burst. These are

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