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Lifeboat e l’amicizia


Per uscire dai soliti giri e dalle solite fonti, per riflettere sull’amicizia al tempo dei social network e, soprattutto, avere consigli pratici per rafforzare le tue amicizie, non puoi non abbonarti alla newsletter settimanale (o al blog) di Lifeboat.

Ogni settimana la domenica pomeriggio ti arriva la segnalazione di un post, sempre interesante e utile. Tempo ben speso.

Nell’ultimo post si parla di riprendere amicizie abbandonate nel tempo, in genere per disattenzione, casualità o inerzia.

To get us started, it’s worth noting three common objections to the idea of re-broaching old friendships.

First: If your friend is no longer part of your life, isn’t that probably for a reason? Doesn’t it mean one of you made the choice to stop being in touch? Isn’t that why you moved on?

Second: Even if you had something meaningful way-back-when, wouldn’t the bond be lost by now to time and changing circumstances?

Third: There’s just so much awkwardness and risk in re-engaging after having gone silent. And there’s the guilt. What if your friend is mad or just not interested?


Published in Media & Social media