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Tag: genitori

Dei genitori che pubblicano foto di figli

Non ho mai capito i genitori che pubblicano online foto dei propri figli minorenni.

As Facebook turns fourteen, with Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat following closely behind, it’s a pivotal time to be thinking about children’s rights online. Over the years, parents around the world have shared posts about their children, from first steps to tantrums to hilarious moments (“Charlie bit my finger!”). Kids who are now old enough to have their own social-media accounts—the minimum age for a Facebook is thirteen—have likely had most of their lives documented and curated online, largely without their permission or input.

What some now call “sharenting” began well before we really knew the potential impact of social media. In the past few months, I’ve wondered how my sharing photos of Leo might affect him now and in the future—and how holding back might affect me. Maybe the problem with sharenting, I’ve realized, is

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